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Jessica says, "See you later, not to say Goodbye."

by 박카쓰 2012. 7. 13.


내가 근무하는 산남고~ 5년째이니 제법 정들었지요.


하지만 정이 들때면 우리는 이별을 고하게 되지요.


작년 8월에 오셔서 아이들에게 영어회화를 지도해주시던 Jessica...


1년의 근무기간을 마치고 아쉽지만 이제 고국으로 돌아가게되었지요.





우리학교 English Members...


우리가 몇년이면 학교를 옮기고 해마다 사무분장과 담임도 변하지만


한평생 교단에 있을 적 변하지않는 것이 있다면 우리가 영어교사란 사실입니다.





영어교사로서 원어민과 함께 근무하게 해주신 교장,교감선생님께 감사드리고싶습니다.





그저께 송별회장에서 우리영어선생님들이 준비한 모자선물을 받으시고 많이 좋아하시네요.








Jessica와 co-teacher로 있으면서 참으로 많은 것을 배웠답니다.


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매사 진취적이고 꿈도 야무져 세계를 누비는 NGO의 활동가로 일하고싶다고... 




주말이면 이렇게 고아원으로 봉사활동다니고...








저아래 1층 희망반 특수학생들한테도 영어를 가르칩니다.


솔직이 저 학생들... 우리가 가르쳐도 힘든데...






미국에 Halloween Day는 큰 명절인가 봅니다.


Amy는 그 많은 호박으로 등(Jack-O-lantern)을 만들더니 Jessica도 한복을 곱게 입고...







우리고장의 아름다움을 알리려고(속셈은 회화공부였지요) 여러군데 가보았지요.


문의문화재단지, 대청호, 청남대, 그리고 청주산성 벚꽃...






작년 제 작품전시회에 찾아오더니 올해 문인화를 배우겠다고 우리서실을 찾았지만...


글쎄요...서예가 그리 쉽게 배워질까요?

하지만 즐거운 추억은 되었으리라...  








Jessica선생님에게 함께 찍은 사진을 앨범에 넣어주면서 이런 편지도 함께 넣어주었습니다. 






Dear Miss Jessica Meckler,


  Before saying "Thank you very much", It’s a pity the farewell time when we have to say goodbye is approaching us.


  You've done a really, really great job at my school. You have taught English to my students very hard. I know they've loved your English class very much. Also I hear your lecture is very popular among students. That's because you are very kind, sincere and well-designed. In addition, you've tried your best and deserved as a best teacher. I think my students are very lucky because they have good chances to speak English with a wonderful native English teacher. I'm sure their English has improved than before. Especially listening and speaking skills.


   I think I've been very lucky to sit beside you as a co-teacher last year and sit in front of you this year. As I said, I could almost hear your voice around my ears even when you were absent - going on a business trip or weekends. I’ve learned many things from you. During your stay here in Korea, I saw you fill your life with wonderful things such as voluntary activities even on weekends. You've never complained any situations here in my school and never got tired of so many students who came to you to ask tons of questions.


  I hear you'll enter a graduate school to be major at micro or macro economics when you return to your country. I hope you'll be an international NGO in the future.


  Last, Thank you again and take care.


                                                                                                   Your Sincerely Hae Soon Park,




